ELABO Roadshow

The ELABO DEMO VAN is coming to you!

ELABO Roadshow

The ELABO DEMO VAN is coming to you!

We bring our innovative solutions and new products directly to your company and provide you with detailed and personalised advice.

We always ensure compliance with all hygiene guidelines. The presentation in the fresh air on your company premises makes it possible to maintain the necessary distances. And thanks to our ELABO hygiene column, disinfectant is always available at the DEMO VAN.


The ELABO DEMO VAN is equipped with the latest products and advanced Industry 4.0 solutions for the areas of training, research & development, production, service and quality assurance.

Find out how the ELABO software solutions elution and elution two make your company more efficient, support your employees and how you can use them to ensure your quality in the long term.

Let yourself be inspired and then plan your workstations according to your needs and wishes with the help of our trained workstation experts. Each solution can be customised to your specific requirements.

Take the opportunity and make an appointment today using our contact form.

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