Together for Innovation and Excellence

Together for Innovation and Excellence

We take pride in the strong relationships we maintain with our partners. These collaborations are the key to our continuous growth, professional expertise, and commitment to innovation and progress.

Through strategic partnerships, we expand our knowledge and capabilities to consistently offer our customers top-tier solutions. We firmly believe that progress stems from the diverse collective knowledge shared between us and our network partners.

Our collaborations accelerate innovation processes, open up new horizons, and enable us to tackle a wide range of projects. These partnerships are a testament to our commitment to excellence and our willingness to exceed our customers' expectations.

Learn more about our partners and how they contribute to our success.

We deeply value these close relationships and look forward to achieving great things together in the future.


Valuable collaborations with innovative partners



Since the beginning of 2020, ELABO has been a partner in the AIMFREE consortium project, a collaborative initiative led by the WZL of RWTH Aachen, Fraunhofer IPT, and industry partners such as Porsche AG, e.GO Mobile AG, ipolog GmbH, Siemens AG, BÄR Automation GmbH, and Pilz GmbH & Co. KG.

This three-year project focuses on the parallelization of workstations and the implementation of adaptability and flexibility in automotive final assembly. The core of the project is a holistic approach to designing an agile assembly system, encompassing everything from system design to planning and control. The results are validated in assembly plants and demonstration facilities.

In nine work packages, the project develops automated architecture, data models, station technology, vehicle logistics, software solutions, and control systems.

ELABO plays a key role in developing reconfigurable station technology and intelligent interfaces for ERP/MES systems and the shop floor.

AIMFREE Kooperation

100 Orte Industrie 4.0

100 Orte Industrie 4.0

ELABO is a two-time award-winning member of the "Allianz Industrie 4.0" network, under the patronage of the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Baden-Württemberg. The goal of this network is to support and guide the industrial middle class on their journey towards Industry 4.0 by bringing together expertise from the fields of production, information technology, and communication technology.

In 2015, ELABO was honored with the "100 Orte Industrie 4.0" award for its exemplary Industry 4.0 solution, the Smart Industry approach. This recognition was awarded again in 2018, this time for the development and implementation of Teachware for Knowledge Transfer 4.0. ELABO thus plays a significant role in promoting Industry 4.0 in Baden-Württemberg.

More information about the award can be found on the website.

100 Orte Industrie 4.0



ELABO collaborates with the Fraunhofer Society, the largest research organization for applied research in Europe. The Society's research fields include health, security, communication, mobility, energy, and the environment.

An example of this collaboration is the event "Connected System World: Digitalization in the Factory of the Future," which took place in September 2017 in Crailsheim. Alongside ELABO and the Fraunhofer Society, Würth Industrie Service GmbH & Co. KG also participated in this event.


Frauenhofer Institut

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

We work closely with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), a leading research university within the Helmholtz Association. KIT is committed to the ambitious goal of generating and disseminating knowledge, making significant contributions in the forward-looking fields of energy, mobility, and information.

This partnership allows us to benefit from top-tier research and expertise, enabling us to develop innovative solutions for our customers. We value the synergies that arise from this collaboration and are dedicated to contributing to the advancement of science and technology in these areas.

Together, ELABO and KIT are working to shape the future through advanced technologies and knowledge transfer.

Karlsruher Institut für Technologie

Landesnetzwerk Mechatronik

Landesnetzwerk Mechatronik

ELABO is a partner of the regional network Mechatronik BW, an ever-growing cooperative alliance of powerful partners from industry, services, research, and education. The core goal of the network is to consolidate the mechatronic expertise available in Baden-Württemberg and to raise its profile beyond the region.

Another key objective is to address the increasingly complex conditions of the working world, particularly in the context of Industry 4.0.

To achieve this, various projects are undertaken to develop innovative solutions, which are subsequently presented at public events and exhibitions. A well-known example is the “Arena of Integration,” showcased annually at the Motek trade fair.

Landesnetzwerk Mechatronik BW

School of Management and Technology

School of Management and Technology

ELABO GmbH, a forward-thinking company, is heavily investing in the ongoing training of its employees as a foundation for sustainable business success. In partnership with the "School of Management and Technology" (SMT) of Steinbeis University Berlin, ELABO focuses on solid knowledge and technology transfer.

Through this collaboration with SMT, ELABO anticipates new impulses for fostering innovation within the company and optimal preparation for its employees to face future challenges. This partnership underscores ELABO’s commitment to continuous development and its determination to strengthen both innovative technologies and the knowledge and skills of its workforce.


School of Management and Technology



ELABO collaborates with the independent and neutral VDE Testing and Certification Institute GmbH, a nationally and internationally accredited institution specializing in the testing and certification of electromechanical devices, components, and systems.

An example of this collaboration is the Hannover Messe 2017. As a thematic partner, ELABO was integrated into the VDE stand, where they jointly presented the topic of Industry 4.0.


VDE Prüf- und Zertifizierungsinstitut GmbH



ELABO is a member of the VDMA, the largest network organization in Germany and Europe. The association represents the shared economic, technical, and scientific interests of its members and serves as a significant voice for the mechanical engineering industry.

An example of this collaboration is the "Factory Tour Industry 4.0," which took place at ELABO at the end of 2017. Representatives from member companies had the opportunity to participate in this event and learn about ELABO's current 4.0 solutions.