elution - the factory software

elution - the factory software

Increasing number of variants, smaller series or shortage of specialists in production. The demands on a cost-efficient and profitable manufacturing process are increasing rapidly.

The elution factory software supports both small and medium-sized as well as large companies. With elution, you ensure that your employees keep track of things even in stressful situations and can concentrate on their core tasks.

Digitale Assistenz zur fehlerfreien Fertigung

Help for your employees

Help for your employees

Worker assistance

elution navigates your employees safely through the process. No matter whether beginners or professionals – your employees will get the right information at the right time by image and video and can fulfil their tasks straightaway without stress.

Paperless assembly

Assembly instructions, current inspection plans, measurement logs or even the production order. elution helps you eliminate the need for paper and ensures that up-to-date documents are always available. At the same time, elution helps you to keep knowledge at the company regardless of the person involved.

Personalised workstation

For optimum results, the workstation should be individually adapted to the respective employee. Control height or light for individual people or secure access to devices according to the ability of the worker.

Navigation für Mitarbeiter

Keep complexity under control

Keep complexity under control

Variant management

Increasing variant diversity increases the complexity of even simple products. Through integrated product type and variable management, elution two supports numerous product variants with just a few work schedules.

Employee training

Thanks to the step-by-step instructions, new employees can be trained quickly and efficiently. Fewer questions and less need for support by experienced employees lead to a quick increase in efficiency.

Product launch

The market demands continuous further development of the products. Even with experienced employees, not all processes are 100% process-safe. If you use elution, even new products will be assembled and tested correctly by every employee right away.


Komplexität einfach gestalten

Take advantage of the potential of connected production

Take advantage of the potential of connected production


The new technology of Industry 4.0 offers numerous possibilities for the horizontal and vertical connection of your manufacturing processes. Network-capable devices, logistics or robot system can be integrated according to their application. Thus, processes are matched individually to your needs.


You achieve full potential by integrating elution in your IT landscape. Your ERP controls efficient order processing and all the data or reports that incur on the shopfloor can be transferred and saved in your enterprise resource planning.

Process control

Partial automation is state-of-the-art in numerous assembly processes and offers numerous advantages. Systems such as WiFi screwdrivers, camera systems, measuring devices and much more can be actuated directly in order to automate error-prone, complex or even just very repetitive activities.


Vernetzung und Potenzialnutzung

Quality assurance and documentation

Quality assurance and documentation

Quality assurance

Important standard-relevant tests can be carried out with numerous measuring devices that are already integrated. You can thus integrate ISO, PE or HV tests in the work process and link the information directly to the digital product file.

Process locking

elution compares the data collected with the specifications and checks whether the part is OK. If this is not the case, elution can interface so that no NOK parts leave your manufacturing line. Thus, elution makes reject-free production possible.


All data accumulated during production is saved relative to product and work step, documented in an ISO-conform manner through automated reports and saved revision-proof. This guarantees continuous product data traceability.


Qualtität und Dokumentation

Functions in detail

Data management

Data management

On the basis of an SQL database, the ELABO information management system provides numerous options for practical use in a modern manufacturing company.   

- Workers receive all the necessary and current information/documentation for the upcoming work steps by scan without having to waste time looking

- Process-oriented data are recorded and documented without additional manual effort (traceability)

- Workers can report errors or suggest improvements without a media break (questionnaire)

- The system provides analyses on “quality” and “performance” that can be used by workers (or other employees e.g. quality management) for optimising processes.

Datenmanagement für modernen Fertigungsbetrieb

Digital assistance

Digital assistance

Wouldn't it be fantastic if your production employees were highly motivated and worked efficiently while making no errors?

This doesn't have to remain fantasy! The use of the ELABO EIM solution at your production line makes this possible.

Your employees receive all the information they need in the right digital format at the right time.

Digitale Assistenz zur fehlerfreien Fertigung

Variant management

Variant management

Managing an increasing number of product variants is creating new challenges for businesses.

Since products are becoming increasingly individualised, production needs to respond with maximum flexibility.

Variant management from ELABO is the answer to the tasks on hand. Only one master plan is created for a large number of variants; this is then filled with the actual product data at production runtime. The information required is taken from a repository where it needs to be entered only once – typically the ERP system. This is also a huge advantage for product updating work.

Special features:

- Just one master plan is created for several thousand variants
- For each work step, the workers receive real-time guidance about the respective variants from the ERP system (e.g. pick-by-light)
- Both assembly information and testing specifications can be managed


Quality management

Process Controlling

Quality management

Process Controlling

The ELABO software documents all of the work steps so as to ensure that comprehensive analysis options are available later on, such as:

- identifying any unnecessary work steps
- assessing employee training requirements
- localising hidden time-wasting activities

The following can be logged:

WHO: Who was working?
WHAT: What were they working on?
WHEN: When was work performed?
HOW LONG: How long did each processing step and the production sequence as a whole take?
FAULTS: Were there any faults during production?
RESULTS: What production results were achieved?


Further valuable features:

  • Workers receive e.g. by scan exactly the currently valid work instruction depending on their qualification level.
  • The system leads workers step by step through the necessary work steps (text/image – utility – film – augmented reality).
  • This means that even less qualified employees can work without stress, right away, anywhere in the world and comply 100% with specification and quality requirements


Our promise for your production:

Complex work processes can be set individually, regardless of the degree of qualification of the respective employee. This makes work with this software:

  • stress-free
  • immediately learnable
  • processable from anywhere in the world
  • compliant 100% with specifications and quality requirements

Test software for free and without obligation

For a full two months you can test the full version of the software elution for free and without any obligation. During this time, we will be happy to advise you about functions and possible uses.

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