06. July 2023

Group of pensioners impressed by future-oriented work at ELABO

A group of pensioners from Crailsheim and the surrounding area recently visited ELABO and were impressed by the insights and activities on offer. The 15 visitors of retirement age spent around 3 hours at ELABO and showed great interest in the topics we deal with.

The pensioners were extremely inquisitive and asked many questions about the work processes and the opportunities offered by ELABO products.
A detailed tour of the company gave the group the chance to take a look behind the scenes at pioneering solutions for the future world of work.

The feedback from the group of pensioners was extremely positive. They were impressed by the future-oriented work at ELABO and praised the company for its promising approaches. One of the participants was enthusiastic about the fact that you can still learn so many new things even at retirement age.

ELABO would like to thank the group of pensioners for their visit and is delighted with the positive feedback. The company emphasizes that people of all ages are welcome to explore the fascinating world of future-oriented work. The visit by the group of pensioners showed that curiosity and interest in innovation know no age limits.