12. March 2024

Meeting with export partners 2024

ELABO presents new "primus two" workstation to visiting export partners

Yesterday, ELABO opened its doors to its export partners, who had traveled from various parts of Europe to gain a comprehensive insight into the latest developments at the company and its products. The guests were warmly welcomed by Jan Willem Jongert, Managing Director of the bott Group, and ELABO Managing Director Timo Henkelmann.

A highlight of the event was undoubtedly the presentation of ELABO's latest product: the "primus two" workstation solution.
This innovative solution offers an optimal working environment, which makes the primus two an attractive proposition for customers all over the world.

During the visit, various workshops and group work were carried out to deepen the vision of ELABO and to unite the ideas and thoughts of the partners. Useful samples were presented to give the export partners and their future customers a tangible insight into the possibilities of primus two.
In addition, a supporting online marketing concept was presented to ensure that the product reaches the right target group and is successfully launched on the market.

Another highlight was Paul van Amelsfort being honored for 40 years of partnership. Other anniversaries were ELIT Instrument AB for 35 years, TR Instruments for 20 years and CN ROOD for 10 years of partnership. Many thanks for the excellent and long-standing cooperation and mutual support.

Overall, the event was a great success and underlines the positive development and future plans of ELABO. The company continues to strive to offer innovative solutions and to strengthen and expand its partnerships worldwide.