Ableitstrommessgerät für 1- und 3-phasige Prüflinge

Ableitstrommessgerät für 1- und 3-phasige Prüflinge

Dieses hochmoderne Ableitstrommessgerät bietet eine erstklassige Lösung für den Schutz und die Sicherheit elektrischer Produkte zu sorgen.

Durch Isolationsfehler können Ableitströme entstehen, die den Bediener oder Anwender eines  elektrotechnischen Gerätes potentiell  gefährden können.

Entwickelt, um den spezifischen Anforderungen der Industrie gerecht zu werden, ermöglicht es eine effiziente Messung unter verschiedensten Betriebsarten.
Zur Versorgung der Prüflingen mit unterschiedlichsten Spannungen steht ein externer Eingang zur Verfügung.

Dank seiner robusten Konstruktion und einfachen Bedienung ist es die ideale Wahl für anspruchsvolle Umgebungen.

Die Ableitstrommessungen sind nur in Verbindung mit der Elabo Elution Software möglich.


  • Comprehensive leakage current test with detailed connection for 1-phase and 3-phase DUTs
  • Automated logging and good/fault statistics
  • Flexible 6-point rack mounting

Leakage current measurements

5 µA ... 10 mA DC / AC, 50Hz ... 1MHz

3 leakage current measuring ranges: 0.1mA / 1mA / 10mA

Measurement types: I_trms, I_ac, I_dc, I_peak, I_mad (depending on the test standard used)

Fixed measuring range according to I_lc_max or automatic measuring range adjustment

Supply of the test object

External supply

50 ... 280 V AC 1-phase, max. 15A, 50 ... 400 Hz

90 ... 490 V AC 3-phase, max. 32A, 50 ... 400 Hz

Monitoring the supply voltage of the device under test with min. values
Monitoring the current consumption of the test object with min. values
(for 3-phase DUTs, phase L1 is monitored)

Optional with supply unit

Test time / warm-up time

1s ... 1d adjustable in 0.1s steps

Test sequences

Variable test sequence

Operating modes A1...A8

  • Normal operation without error
  • Normal operation with N fault
  • Normal operation with PE fault
  • Reverse polarity operation without fault
  • Reverse polarity operation with N fault
  • Reverse polarity operation with PE fault

DUT connections

External supply (DUT)

DUT connection, 1-phase, vi1, vi2

Additional connections for tests in accordance with EN60601-1, MED


Ethernet interface (RJ45 socket)

Warning lamp set connection

Remote control connection Remove Control with display

Digital input / output connection

Mains voltage

230 V +/- 10 %; 49 .. 61 Hz


Integration in control cabinets via 6-point rack mounting

Width: 426mm
Height: 392mm
Depth: 235mm

Weight: 16 kg

16 kg

Software package

Elution® Device

Basic measuringcircuits
Elabo basic measuring circuits for integration into the Elabo Smart - Modular leakage current measuring modules

Basic measuring circuit according to EN60990 Fig. 3 / 4 / 5
The basic measuring circuit contains the three measuring circuits described in the basic standard EN60990 under Fig. 3, 4 and 5 and enables standard-compliant leakage current testing. The connection is made according to the respective product standard.

Basic measuring circuit in accordance with EN60601 Figure 12
The basic measuring circuit contains the three measuring circuits described in the EN60601 standard in Figure 12 and enables standard-compliant leakage current testing. The connection is made in accordance with the product standard.

Basic measuring circuit according to EN61029 UL / CSA

Test standards

Test standard EN60335-1, 1-phase / status 08-2020

Test standard EN60335-1, 1/3-phase / Version 02-2020

Test standard EN60598-1, 1-phase / Version 03-2022

Test standard EN60601-1, 1-phase / Version 12-2013

Test standard EN60601-1, 1/3-phase / Version 12-2013

Test standard EN60601-1, 1-phase with medical supplement

Test standard EN60601-1, 1/3-phase with medical add-on

Test standard EN60730-1, 1-phase / status 10-2009

Test standard EN61010-1, 1-phase / Version 03-2020

Test standard EN61010-1, 1/3-phase / Version 03-2020

Test standard EN61588-1, 1-phase / status 08-2010

Test standard EN61588-1, 1/3-phase / Version 08-2010

Test standard EN62368-1, 1-phase / Version 05-2021

Test standard EN62368-1, 1/3-phase / Version 05-2021

Test standard EN62481-1, 1-phase / Version 04-2014

Test standard EN62481-1, 1/3-phase / Version 04-2014


Remote control with 6m connection cable with

Warning light red / green

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