Household appliances

End customers expect their household appliances to function perfectly and safely.

Household appliances

End customers expect their household appliances to function perfectly and safely.

ELABO has been designing customised solutions for manufacturers in this sector for many years and carries out safety and functional tests. The programming of the control electronics integrated in the appliances and the determination of consumption values for the so-called energy label are also realised with system solutions from ELABO.

Brewing and heating, cooking and baking, cooling and freezing, vacuuming and cleaning, washing and drying: safety and functional tests directly in the automated production lines, programming of the control electronics integrated in the appliances and determination of energy efficiency.


Small household appliances

Realisation of economical test systems for small household appliances according to customer requirements

Cooking and baking appliances

Economic testing of gas and ceramic hobs, ovens and extractor bonnets as well as steam cookers and microwaves

Refrigerators and freezers

Economic testing of electric and gas-powered refrigerators and freezers

Cleaning appliances

Product safety testing and determination of performance values

Washing machines and dryers

Safety and function checks

Programming systems

Programming systems that are networked and supplied with the files to be programmed just in time via a data server, as well as test and assembly cells for electronic modules

Determination of energy efficiency

Consumption measurements and measurements of standby consumption

Application examples

Testing washing machines

Function and safety test

Testing washing machines

Function and safety test

Our components

    - Function test
    - Safety test
    - AOI robot vision inspection
    - Line audit
    - Control completely via the elution software

Product description

The end-of-line system is used for the complete functional testing of washing machines, including a standard-compliant safety test. The system is divided into four basic functional areas, which are interlinked with an automatic transport system and are approached one after the other. The washing machine is transported on a special workpiece carrier. An RFID system installed in the workpiece carrier ensures the identification of the washing machines in the station.

The system is enhanced by an AOI robot vision system, in which a robot takes images of the oscillating system and the washing machine housing and automatically compares them with the reference images. The system is also supplemented by a line audit, which enables long-term testing of the washing machines at four individual test stations.


Function test

Automatic function test of washing machine panels

Function test

Automatic function test of washing machine panels

Our components

    - elution software module N2-2B* with MES connection of the customer
    - Function test incl.
    - vision inspection
    - Touch test via robot
    - Testing the audio frequency
    - Integrated label printer

Project description

The test system, designed as a turntable with 4 stations, is used for the complete functional testing of control panels for washing machines and tumble dryers.
The different tests are carried out fully automatically in the four segments. Firstly, there is an insertion and removal station where the control panel is inserted and manually contacted or removed by the employee. In the second station, an automatic vision check of the labelling for colour and symbols is carried out in the background using a camera and corresponding evaluation software. The buzzer is also checked for the correct frequency. In the next station, a robot simulates a human finger and checks the control panel for the function of the individual buttons. If the panel has passed all the test steps, the control panel is automatically labelled with a customer-specific label at a specific position in the next station. The label is then automatically scanned to automatically verify the content of the Data Matrix code printed on the label. Finally, the control panel is manually removed from the test system at the insertion and removal station.
The entire system is controlled by the elution software, to which the robot, the vision software and the label printer are subordinate.


Programming station

Programming station for oven control panels

Programming station

Programming station for oven control panels

Our components

    - elution software module N2-2C* with MES connection of the customer
    - Primus One® workstation with integrated electromotive height adjustment
    - Flexible interchangeable adapter system
    - Connection via ProfiNet to the customer's assembly line control system

Product description

Oven control panels are programmed at the station. The employee places the panels manually in an adapter. This is followed by automatic contacting. The programming station is controlled entirely via the elution software.
A flexible adapter system, consisting of different adapter variants, enables the programming of various electronic modules at one workstation. The station is also connected to the customer's assembly line control system via ProfiNet. This enables the exchange of signals/status messages (OK/not OK results).

*Customised application


Reliable safety check

Reliable safety testing of refrigerators

Reliable safety check

Reliable safety testing of refrigerators

Our components

    - elution software module N2-2B* with MES connection of the customer
    - High-voltage testing
    - Protective conductor resistance test
    - Insulation resistance measurement
    - Optical testing via operating instructions in elution software
    - Manual contacting via a special Tekon connector

Project description

The test system enables reliable testing of refrigerators for dielectric strength (HV), protective conductor resistance (PE) and insulation resistance (ISO). For this purpose, the refrigerator is contacted manually via a Tekon plug. During visual testing, the employee is supported by operating instructions in the elution software.

*Customised application


Programming station

Programming station for washing machine control panels

Programming station

Programming station for washing machine control panels

Our components

    - elution software module N2-2C*
    - Primus One® workstation with electromotive height adjustment

Project description

The station is used to programme tumble dryer and washing machine control panels. The employee manually places the panels in an adapter. This is followed by automatic contacting. The programming station is controlled entirely via the elution software. Two additional external programming tools are controlled by the elution software.

*Customised application


Fully automatic testing

Fully automatic testing of the dielectric strength, protective conductor connection and power measurement of built-in refrigerators

Fully automatic testing

Fully automatic testing of the dielectric strength, protective conductor connection and power measurement of built-in refrigerators

Our components

    - Protective conductor testing
    - High-voltage testing
    - Power measurement
    - Central SQL database
    - Automatic contacting modules
    - Connection to the customer's BDE control system
    - Automated positioning of test adapters
    - Rationalisation of the test sequence
    - One test base station for all product groups
    - Automatic adaptation to product sizes
    - Automatic contacting
    - RFID / 2D barcode test data recognition

Project description

The test system automatically checks the dielectric strength (HV), the protective conductor resistance (PE) and the power consumption of the consumers in the refrigerators. The appliances to be tested are transported to the test position on pallets via a conveyor system and placed and fixed there using a pneumatic device. The conveyor system reports "appliances in position" to the ELABO test system via a digital interface and scans the type code (appliance barcode) of the appliance to be tested. The type data is reported to the BDE control system. The customer's PDA system transfers the relevant test data to the elution software for device-specific testing. Automatic device contacting (mains contacting and PE contacting) is carried out in the test portal using the axis system. Once the test has been completed, the test data is automatically reported back to the PDA system. The system rack contains all measuring devices, the system PC, the connection and switching of test voltages and test currents, as well as the control of automatic contacting for mains contacting and PE test adapters.


Function test and flashing

Semi-automated function test and flashing of oven panels

Function test and flashing

Semi-automated function test and flashing of oven panels

Our components

    - elution software
    - Flashing/programming the software to the test specimen
    - Touch testing by robot
    - Vision inspection by robot
    - Testing the frequency and volume of an audio signal from the test specimen
    - Visual inspection of the test specimen by worker for scratches supported by   worker guidance

Project description

Three test specimens can be placed in each of two manually operated drawers. The software is then flashed onto the test specimens. A robot subordinate to the elution software checks the touch functionality of the test specimens after the drawers have been inserted. A camera installed on the robot also checks various colours and symbols on the display of the test specimens. The frequency and volume of an audio signal are then checked.
Finally, the worker, supported by the elution software's worker guidance, checks the test specimens for scratches before they can be removed again.
The entire system is controlled via the elution factory software.


Automated test system

Automated test system for testing ovens

Automated test system

Automated test system for testing ovens

Our components

    - Two industrial robots with integrated tools for automated air flow
        -- air flow measurement,
        -- PE measurement at any number of points,
        -- Print image inspection and evaluation via an integrated camera system,
        -- Testing the functionality of all LEDs on the display,
        -- Testing the touch functionality,
        -- rotary selector test for detecting stiff rotary selectors and
        -- Brightness measurement of the oven lamp
    - elution software

Product description

The system is used for the automated testing of ovens. By reading out the article number, the system automatically recognises which appliance is involved and adapts the test accordingly. This means that a large number of panels, rotary selectors and appliance heights can be covered by the same system.
The system is controlled via the in-house elution factory software.


Safety and function test

Safety and functional testing of electric hobs

Safety and function test

Safety and functional testing of electric hobs

Our components

    Protective conductor test: 10-32 A, 0-1,200 Ohm
    High voltage test: 100-5000 V AC/DC
    Short-circuit test: 12 V AC
    Power measurement: 2-4000 W per phase
    Pot simulation
    Heating circuit detection via current flow detection
    Key test via pneumatic cylinder
    Visual checks by operating personnel
    Cycle time: approx. 35-120 seconds (depending on variant)

Project description

The test system is used for safety and functional testing of a wide variety of electric hobs. The test portal can therefore be manually converted to the hob type to be tested. The system rack contains all the measuring devices, the system PC, the switch-on and switch-over of the test voltages and test currents, as well as the control of the automatic contacting, the pot simulators and the operating device of the hob. A transformer unit is installed in the system rack for carrying out the HV heat test.
Automated contacting and testing of the hob takes place in the test gantry. The operator pushes the hob manually into the test area and the hob is fixed in the test position using stoppers. An automatic barcode scanner scans the type plate on the hob and automatically starts the stored test sequence.
The test cells have also been optimised for a high product variance.


Programming station

Ergonomic programming station for refrigerator panels

Programming station

Ergonomic programming station for refrigerator panels

Our components

    - Air-conditioned switch cabinet with installation space
      for a 19" 4U industrial PC
    - Ergonomic, electrical height adjustment
    - Interchangeable adapter for flexible programming
    - Integrated workplace lighting


Various measurements

Consumption and heating measurements with solutions from ELABO

Various measurements

Consumption and heating measurements with solutions from ELABO

Our components

    - elution software
    - Graphical progress display
    - Power supply 80 ... 280 V
    - Current measurement 0 ... 20 A
    - Voltage measurement 0 ... 600 V
    - Power / energy measurement
    - Winding heating measurement 8 channels
    - Water quantity measurement 2 channels
    - Leakage current measurement
    - Temperature measurement
    - Speed measurement
    - Acquisition of external measurement signals

ELABO supports you in carrying out your consumption and heating measurements on your product.

Download für weitere Infos
EOL Washing machines.pdf (PDF, 2,3 MB)